The proposed ICSFC, attached in Appendix A in this article, is considered a phase-gate technique planned and designed to get better results with less effort.
This paper is addressed to electrical installation design engineers, learners and programmers with an interest in the optimisation of the cabling design by following the Instructive Cable Sizing Flow Chart (ICSFC). Hence the correct selection procedure for the cable is of critical importance for both functionality and safety. Selecting a small size cable for a load could lead to overload and a catastrophic failure.
The size of the cable is directly proportion to the size of the load. Cabling in a system is the means by which the source of energy is distributed to load. Therefore, reliable power network, supply and operation have gained an increasing importance for the modern world. Cable overheating leads to melting of the insulation, resulting in exposed conductors and short circuits or electric shock, and possibly fire. In this paper, the analysis is focused on the methodology of installation design and cable sizing assessment.